I have been crazy busy lately. Weekdays and weekends have been full of activities, which I am sure is really a good thing. A few weekends ago my parents and I went to Conway/Little Rock for a 5k. I am so proud of my mom; it was her first 5k ever. We left on Friday and Friday night we went over to visit my cousin and his baby, our newest family member. My Mom was so excited; as soon as we walked in she said where’s the hand sanitizer, give me that baby. This was the second time I have gotten to see baby Pierce, but it was the first time my parents got to meet her. My Mom was cooing at the baby and boy was baby P talking back to her. It was so cute. You can tell her mommy and daddy talk to her lots. It was so funny the entire time we were there my dad wouldn’t hold the baby. I think he was afraid she might break. He hasn’t held any of my cousins’ kids when they were babies. I told him that he better get practice, because I will make him hold my babies, if I ever have any. Of course, I got to hold Baby P. Mom and Dad got a tour of the house, so I took the opportunity to give the baby a bottle. I think she was having a spit up of a day, because after 2oz I was burping her and she burped and then I could see all over her face that she was not done. I had enough time to grab the burp rag but I swear the 2oz of milk multiplied. I caught the majority, but we both ended up a little wet. Oh well, it wasn’t the first time and I am sure it won’t be the last time a baby spits up on me. After some baby time, we went out to dinner at some hole in the wall Italian place in Conway.
Talking to Aunt Becky |
Wavy Hair |
Saturday morning, we woke up bright and early to go to the race. This was a women’s only race. There is a group and a lot of towns in Arkansas participating in the idea of women coming together and exercising. Check out the website. http://www.womenrunarkansas.net/ My mom is part of the Fort Smith group, and they meet a couple of times a week. Some people walk and some run, but it is all women encouraging each other. It is a little crazy, but super cool. I walked with my mom. It was kind of a mother’s day thing. I forgot how fun doing a 5k could be and it made me want to start running in more. At the end of the race the runners were coming back and finding women from their towns and walking the end with them, so cool. I asked my mom if when I ran cross country we were like the people at the finish area. She told me yes. So, I am going to run more 5ks, that going to be my pledge.  |
There were four of them |
2 Fort Smith and 2 Fayetteville |
Dad thought he should take lots of pictures |
Oh so prepared...too early |
Starting the race |
Finishing the race |
We had to rush after the race to head back home, because Saturday night Michael and I had a baby shower in Fayetteville. I got home in just enough time to take a quick walk around the block with Gabby, and a shower to get ready. The baby shower was a couple BBQ shower and it was fun. Our friends are having a baby boy and she could have him at any moment. She looks awesome for about to pop. We decorated bibs and onsies, which was entertaining. Michael drew a Razorback on a onesie and I wrote “Mommy kisses me more than Daddy” on a bib. It was cute to see everyone else’s ideas.
On Sunday, we relaxed. It was a nice day so we ran to Wal-mart and bought Gabby a new swimming pool. She loves the water, can’t wait to take her to the lake this year.
Pool Play |
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