A few weeks back our close friends threw us a baby shower. It was a lot of fun getting everyone together. We had a Razorback themed couples shower. I think Michael learned a lot while opening presents. Each one that he opened he got an explanation of what it was or does. We have the best friends. You know what they say friends are the family we choose.
It just makes me realize how loved our new little one is going to be, when we are constantly surrounded by our friends and family’s support. It is definitely getting close to D-day and I can’t wait to meet this little guy or gal. It is going to make our lives better!
Michael’s Daddy Belt…It is well stocked.Bandaids and a beer, just in case.
Rick’s Bakery Yummy
It was such a nice day outside!
The kids played under the tent.
Thanks to some great friends, Michael and I will have a baby that sleeps.
Practicing staying clean.
Michael’s cousin is practicing here to be our babysitter!
Opening more presents.
Papaw got baby Sperry a giant bear!
Not all the predictions but most of them!
My beautiful hostesses! They are the greatest friends a girl could ask for!