Happy Wednesday!! I can’t wait for tomorrow! Mason’s first Halloween. It is so exciting. We have been working on him wearing the glasses that I made for his costume. We have been busy the last few weeks and I know it is about to get worse with the holidays. The next few months are crazy with Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthdays galore!! All of our parents have birthdays coming up…I have three friends (and family) having babies. Mason’s first birthday is coming up. It is just going to be insane. So on this here slow Hump Day, lets enjoy some adorable Mason pictures.
This I might have shared but it is too cute!! Charlie would bring Mason her ball and drop it and then back up and wait patiently for Mason to throw it. Who does not love doggie and baby love?!Eating everything.
Walking everywhere.
Come on Gabby lets break out of this joint. Gabby is so good with Mason. She helps him stand up, but runs away when he tries to use her to walk.
We finally cut our top tooth and our attitude on life changed!! Happy Happy Happy.
Dinner with Nana and Papaw. He was high fiving everyone who would walk by and waving hi. In the last week, waving is his new favorite thing to do and clapping. He claps in excitement for himself.
The glasses for his costume. Got to work on leaving them on but he likes them. I need to get a video on me putting them on him so cute and funny.
This one is for Mason’s Uncle Eric (my brother). He loved Mason’s Hipster Aslan shirt and thought I should get a shot of Hipster Mason and Hipster Aslan.
Standing up in his crib. I am hoping he won’t be climbing out for awhile.
A rare thing…snuggling with Mama. He rarely holds still like this.
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