I spent last week gone, but my hubby was wonderful enough to get a picture of Mason on the day of his 10 Month mark. I look through the pictures and laughed. Those two boys in my life keep me happy.
What is this sticker that you put on me each month?
Laughing at his Daddy.
I think he is whining, but it looks like he is laughing really hard.
Finally a picture for his Mama.
Weight: He doesn’t have to go back to the doctor until later this month for his flu shot booster, but my professional opinion says he weighs in at 23+. SO BIG. My arm muscles are thanking him.
Height: When we went into the doctor for his flu shot he measured at 30.5” and that was two weeks after he measured in at 29.5”.
Clothes: He is wearing everything 9-12 months or 12 months at this point. Long and lean, some of the pants fit great in the legs but are bagging in the waist. I think this will be a continuous probably for him.
Eats: Loving everything. Lately he has been wanting 4-7oz bottles during the day. This was 3 bottles. He must be growing again. The other cute thing he does is if I am eating something here he comes mouth open expecting a bite. He really can eat just about whatever I put in front of him.
Sleeps: Sleeping great. 10-12 hours a night. We fixed our little slip up sleeper by cutting some teeth and getting back into our ROUTINE!! Routine is the key to a happy good sleeper or at least in our house.
What he is enjoying: Walking, talking, playing, dancing! What is he not into these days. He is into the cabinets in the kitchen. He is officially no longer army crawling. I think he finally figured out that on all fours he can pull up to anything. I mean anything. Walls, doors, whatever he wants.
Teeth: We have 6 teeth!! Yay! He finally got his top middle ones and doesn’t look like a vampire anymore. I think he is cutting molars or something because the drool has been crazy lately.