Doing the stickers is getting SO hard. I try to be sneaking but he is too smart for me. Here he says I see that you stuck something to my perfectly good shirt.Okay, lets take this off here Mom.
Sticking it to the chair was even difficult. Michael is jumping up and down in the room to avoid Mason’s standing up to grab the 11.
Weight: He doesn’t have to go back to the doctor until next month, but my professional opinion says he weighs in at 23+lbs. SO BIG. I sometimes pick him up and he just feels SO heavy. Because he is soooo heavy. It is great for the leg workout I get every time I take him up our stairs.
Height: I feel like he recently has grown another inch or more. His pants are starting to become high waters.
Clothes: Mason is wearing 12 month and 12-18 month clothing. I need to go buy him some 18 month pjs. I do feel like he was in 12 month clothing the longest which is good.
Eats: We have started solid foods. He is a little bird and follows around anyone with food with his mouth open wide. I usually give him a bite of whatever I am eating. I have also started planning all my dinner around whether he can eat it or not. He loves bananas and oranges. Any melons and pineapple.
Sleeps: We sleep now from 7-6:30. He has been waking up at night once. It is because he is cutting a molar. Yikes. I can feel his poor swollen gums. I would really like it if that darn tooth would hurry up and cut.
What he is enjoying: Walking! Yes he is walking. At some point in the last month he began walking. He will take 10-15 steps by himself. He has started to pivot on one foot to turn around and he will let go of whatever he might be holding to get to you. Now if he wants to get somewhere fast…he is a speed demon in the crawling department. He loves following around Gabby and if his cousins are around he tries to keep up. He loves playing at school. The director told me the other day that most kids his age just parallel play but that Mason actually plays with the other boys in his class. She also told me Mason is the pack leader. Well…can’t wait until I get told he is the troublemaker.
Teeth: 6 teeth total with at least one molar trying to come in right now.
Talking: He says mama, dada, papa, and gah (which is gabby). He will get so excited and say Gah Gah a ton. A few times it has come out Gabby but not quite there.
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