We had a big weekend. Mason did not even want to wake up this morning. You know when your 16 Month old won’t wake up on his own that he had a big time. Saturday morning we got up and went to Eureka Springs to Turpentine Creek. It is a big cat rescue outside of Eureka. We went out there to hang out with our friends for their daughter’s birthday. I knew Mason would just love it. He loves lions and tigers. We talk about them and he will roar if you ask him what they say. When we got to the rescue and Mason saw the first tiger he roared at it. It was so funny. I figured he would like them, but they are big and real, so I did not know. He would do his little happy dance and point at them and roar. So fun!
Look Dad, a Tiger! Note the death grip on Michael’s shirt. Someone does not look too impressed, but she was.
My blue eyed boy! Cannot get enough of those eyes.
This big boy had pretty blue eyes too.
The lion behind us starting roaring so loud while we were close. Mason ran to get closer and Hattie said I scared. It was so cute!
We were walking by a bobcat here. She was staring at Mason and Hattie like they would taste yummy. It was so weird.
Mason wants to get closer to the animals. I think it is time to take him to a zoo!
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
Hi, Mr. Lion, Can we be friends?
He spent the entire time so interested in them. Maybe he will grow up to be a large animal vet. No fear!
I think Hattie and Mason had tons of fun. Stella was not too impressed with the experience. She is all girl! Hattie loves Mason and of course the second we pulled up next to them, she was saying Hi Mason Hi Mason. She loves her boyfriend!
On Sunday, we went to my parent’s house. Mason just loves to spend time with Nana and Papaw. He especially loves his Papaw and has him wrapped around his little finger. Sounds familiar to how I kept my grandpa. We had lunch and Mason danced around the house and got to swing in his new swing that Nana got him. I think it is time to find Mason a swing set. It was the perfect way to spend Mother’s Day weekend.Climbing ladders with Nana.
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