We spent the entire weekend soaking up the vitamin D. It was great! Michael’s cousin, Lindsey, is in town from Australia for a few months and we are spending lots of quality time with her. Mason just loves her. I mean seriously LOVES her. On Sunday morning, he went over to the bedroom she was sleeping in and knocked on the door. He was just letting her know he was up and ready to play.
She is planning to work with Mason on swimming. I am hoping this next weekend. I want her to be able to have several days straight to work with him and Mommy will hang out inside and do laundry or something. When the parent is there I think kids and parents tend to worry more. Mason is great at swimming with the vest and jumping in the pool. He is getting better at holding his breath and spitting out water when it gets into his mouth. But he absolutely hates being on his back. Our goal this summer is to get him to learn to float. Next summer we will work on real swimming, without a floaty. We were filling the pool up with some water and Mason grabbed the hose and had 20 minutes of serious entertainment. Got to love kids and what makes them happy.
Mason and Gabby are worn out from swimming. Lets talk about how wonderful Mason’s three hour naps daily have been. He is growing and cutting teeth and swimming. It equals very long naps.
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