I have said this once and I will say it millions more, our dog Gabby is SUPER important and special to us. I desperately wanted a family photo with her in it. Thank goodness for our close friend and photographer Bryan Striegler. He and his wife are dog lovers just like us and before they had their son, their family photos always included their two basset hounds. We couldn’t have had anyone else take our pictures. Bryan did a great job and helped us out in the process. Gabby was fantastic. We first did a few at their house and then headed to a cute trail.
I didn’t want to photograph Gabby with a leash on, but was so nervous to take her to a new place with it off. We walked her on leash to a specific spot and put her in a stay. She will stay forever. So, we took her leash off and prayed. Birds, squirrels, anything could have come and I know my dog would have ran normally. I think she knew how important a family photo was to me, because she was tempted and she stayed put. Gabby is used to having her picture taken by her mama, so I told Bryan how I get her to look at the camera. All you have to do is say Gabby treat and she looks at the camera with the best faces. Bryan felt so bad doing it, but we had treats for her. Here are a few of my favorites, even though ALL are good. Thanks again Bryan!!!
We are laughing in this photo, because Gabby tried to jump over us in the photo prior to get to her treat.Got to love a photo where everyone is smiling.
Gabby being lazy…what is this all about?
Total photo ham…she did this all on her own.
Her collar was a borrow from her Aunt Meggers
BIRD…oh I really really want it…yup that’s what is happening here
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