I got bored and made a video. It is a Hawaiian vacation video. Why not right? I thought I would share, just because. So enjoy…it is a long video. I took 1000 photos while we were there. Okay so maybe this was a little ploy to ensure Michael takes me back this year, but I believe it has worked. Sperry Family Hawaiian Vacation Part 3 Coming Fall 2012.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
A Wonderful Lady
A wonderful lady has passed away and has gone to be with God and her husband in heaven. There are definitely people who come into our lives and make such an impact. Some of those people are your family members and other people are those you befriend through church or other activities. This beautiful lady was someone who I have known my entire life. She was 83 years old and she will forever hold a special place in my heart and the hearts of many people in our community.
She always sat in the first few rows at church. She always had a smile on her face. She always had a big hug for everyone. As long as I have known her she has looked the same and I feel like she didn’t age at all during that time. She knew the secret to staying young and healthy. Surrounding herself with children. She ran a preschool out of her home for a long time (I don’t know exact times, but it was before I was born). She even had a group this year. So, if you want to stay young forever surround yourself with 4 year olds.
The picture above was from my bridal shower in April of 2010. I am so glad I have this picture of her. This is exactly how I will remember her! I even know exactly what she gave me that day and it has a special place in my house. Monday I got to go and say my good-byes to her. Even then she made me feel special. She was surprised to see me and just kept whispering sweet words to me. She looked different but the same sweet wonderful lady was there. I just held her hand and we talked about how she impacted lives and raised so many children, and how a lot of those children are now grown adults. I truly feel that I am better person just because I knew her.
My brother and I didn’t go to her preschool, but you would have thought we had. She has the best memory. When my brother was a kid he loved dinosaurs. I will forever remember her bringing my teenage brother a book on dinosaurs one time…I am almost positive he was in High School, maybe even college. She didn’t care how old he was, she thought he was special and that he still loved dinosaurs. She even asked about him on Monday and kept saying that Eric was/is so very smart.
I also remember her coming up to me the first Sunday I was at church after my wedding. She wanted to tell me how she has two men fighting over her at my wedding. She told me how it just made her day. Apparently, one of the ushers was escorting her to a seat when my brother saw her. He went over and said that he would be escorting her. She just loved it. We were even lucky enough to get a picture of her excitement.
If I could gain a fraction of her great attitude and sweetness I would be happy. Every time you saw her face it just would just make you smile. She was a very special creation from God. I am sad today as I think about all the great memories I have of her. Going to church and not getting a hug from her or seeing her will be hard. 83 years on this earth just doesn’t feel like it was enough time for such a remarkable woman.
I am blessed that I met her. I am blessed knowing that she is in heaven smiling down on us and happy as always. She has been reunited with her husband and the children will go to her and she will teach them. She will be a great angel and I know she will being keeping a watchful eye on all her children still on earth. Thank you Mrs. Howe for being apart of my life and for teaching me through example.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
I have to brag a little on Michael today. A few weeks back when I was co-hosting a baby shower, I asked Michael to help me with a few things. We were planning on having a onesie decorating area and I wanted a few done prior for people to look at and get ideas from or just to know what to do. For those who don’t know Michael can draw really well. He is like my brother and Dad, if you give him a picture he will recreate it. Somehow I never got that gene. I wanted him to do a Razorback onesie. I did a Mississippi State one and an owl one, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to make a Razorback one.
He is so talented and I wish he would draw more. I usually have to negotiate to get him to draw anything for me and this was no different. I sometimes find drawings online and want him to do them for me. It hasn’t happened yet, but I am planning on getting him to do a huge Razorback on a canvas for my office. We are about to do a little remodeling and have something custom done, so I am hoping he will make me the huge canvas Hog. Check out his talent, so good:
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Even Bigger Hog Fan
As the world of college football now knows, the Razorbacks have terminated our coach. The coach that made the people of Arkansas believe this is the year for a possible National Championship. Last week we learn of an indiscretion on his part, from a motorcycle accident to inappropriate relationship to lies. It was a sad week when we learned a review on our AD’s part would be occurring. Deep down we all knew it was going to be bad.
I am one of probably several fans in the state who thought, his life outside of the football program is his life and we just care about the Ws. The biggest dilemma was surrounded around his inappropriate relationship/rider. Since this young lady was an employee it made the area between our program and his outside relationships very blurry.
Even though I personally didn’t want them to fire our coach, because he is the one of the best things our program has seen in YEARS. After listening to our AD, Jeff Long, speak last night I am very PROUD to be a Razorback fan. I believe his emotion and dedication for our team and players and fans shined bright last night. He was very emotional, I think, because of his disappointment. It is like when your kid does something that is shameful not only for themselves but you as well. Petrino brought unnecessary attention to our team and our program. It was all negative. It would have been difficult for them to keep him around.
Some of you know I am a sales person, but my background is in HR. One thing I learned from HR is sometimes an unethical situation can cause a spiral of problems for a company and in this case the University. The biggest HR problem I see right now from the information we have been provided is that his lady passenger was recently hired for a position under him. The AD even stated it was a shorter hiring process than normal. They had 159 candidates and 3 interviews. All of these candidate could have a case against the University for not being considered. It is an HR departments worst nightmare. I feel bad for the University, it isn’t over yet.
In conclusion, I am very impressed with Jeff Long. He did the right thing. I truly believe if you were like me and thought maybe they should keep him around, after listening to Jeff Long explain why they were terminating Petrino you definitely took his side. Our year’s outcome might not be National Championship material now, but who knows. We don’t know if we will have a coach this year, we don’t know a lot of things. But what we do know is there is a lot more respect for our football program as a whole. Certain items will not be tolerated. And integrity is definitely most important!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Best Brother in the World
Eric with his “two” sisters…He loves us both!!
I have the best big brother in the world. Saturday was his birthday. We have always gotten to celebrate our birthdays together since they are 4 days apart, but now he lives in Tennessee. My parents went out to visit him, and take him the birthday present I got him. I was really excited about it. I made a HUGE scrapbook of all our Hawaii pictures and made it into a coffee table book. I love mypublisher.com it is great for calendars, photobooks, and other fun items. I made my parents Skype with me while they gave Eric the present. Everyone made fun of me, mainly because my brother doesn’t get really excited over many things. I knew he would like the present and even though he wouldn’t be jumping up and down I knew I would be able to tell by his face. Trust me he loved it. YAY!! Success!
He is the best big brother. Always there for me and always trying to teach me new things. Got to Love a brother who care for his little sister. It just means he is a truly good man. Someday he will be great uncle. Teaching them about music, history, and hopefully math. I know he likes living in Tennessee, but I can’t wait until he moves back. I am hoping we get to go visit him and go white water rafting this summer!!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Traveling the World…Maybe?
Yesterday I did a confessional and said one of the things Michael and I love to do is travel. Most of the time I plan, book, and execute all of our travel. We have used a travel agent on our travels to Mexico. Michael and I start talking about our next vacation before we even finish the one before. If you ever want advice on places we have gone I love telling people about all the places and the super fun activities we have been able to do. When we travel, even when we go to the beach, we like to get up and do something not just lay on the beach. Biking, hiking, driving, exploring, scuba diving, etc. Name it we will try it. I thought I would share some of the wonderful places we have gone, because I feel very blessed we have had such opportunities. Here are the places we have gone together.
Cabo San Lucas, Mexico: 2008Copper Mountain, Colorado: 2009
Playa Del Carmen, Mexico: 2009
Maui/Oahu, Hawaii: 2009
St. Thomas, US Virgin Island: 2010
South Florida: 2011
NYC: 2011
Oahu/Big Island, Hawaii: 2011
Crested Butte, Colorado: 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Confessions for the week…
So today I decided I would do a little confessional about me:
1. I officially am freaking out a little over my age of 28. It is a lot scary. I know I know silly right, but I am just that much closer to 30.
2. I totally wore my rain boots on my birthday even though it didn’t start raining until 8:00PM. HAHA! They are cute though and yes my hubby made fun of me. 3. My hubby and I love to travel…and sometimes take three vacations a year or more…YIKES! I guess we should do it now while we don’t have kids.
Here is our first vacation together in Cabo San Lucas.
4. Gabby (my baby) spent the first 3 months of her life more with my Mom and Dad then she did with us, and sometimes when we go to their house she doesn’t want to leave. She even tries to hide behind Grandma and Grandpa.
5. I have several addictions…I am addicted to Red Bull! I am VERY crabby without my energy drink in the morning. I am also slightly addicted to Pinterest!! I see and I want to do. I am also very addicted to Draw Something. Have you played it yet? Addicting.
6. I went to a Premier Jewelry party this week on my birthday! Going on my birthday made it better for telling my hubby how much I spent (not that he really care). BTW I am hosting a party in August. Who wants to come? I don’t know why I planned this considering I only have like 4 girl friends. (not really, but close)
7. I have been watching OTR for years and this week was the series finale. I cried, like 10 times. So bad. Most of my tears came from the first hour which was a look back over the last 9 seasons. This was a show my bestie, Veronica, and I have been watching together since it started, so lots of fun memories.
8. Here is the real shocker…I don’t care what people think about me. I learned a long time ago while in college…if people don’t love you for you get rid of them. They are just bringing you down! I have cut out people who I used to call friends because they were DRAMA and boy did it make my life better. Try it people…It works! It is hard but it is amazing. Oh and sometimes people do change.
9. I also went to see Hunger Games on opening weekend and loved it. I read the books and I still truly LOVED the movie. My husband even liked the movie and said he was going to read the books. GO SEE IT!!! Awesome!
That’s all for today. Hope you have a GREAT weekend!!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Baby Shower
This past weekend I co-hosted a baby shower for one of my friends. I love throwing parties, mainly because it is a time to be creative and crafty. This shower was a couples shower. We wanted it to feel more like a get together of close friends and family than a shower. I hope we achieved it. There was beer and baggo for the boys, and good food and dessert for the girls. I am actually working on a surprise for the Mama from the shower and she know I am up to something but doesn’t know what yet. Hopefully I will get to share my surprise soon. It was a fun day, and I was exhausted by the end. Can’t wait to meet Miss Hattie.
The Dessert Table…I made the owl cake balls.Food Table…Yummy
The Mama sharing some love with her nephew.
Fun activities for the kiddos.
The big sister wearing a shirt that says “I love my Little Sister” (etsy)
Getting lots of help opening presents.
Cute homemade blanket.
They are due two weeks apart. Can’t wait to meet both new little girls.
Baggo fun for the adults.
Onesie Decorating for all.
My Co-Hostess, her family with the parents.
Here we are together.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Shopping Madness
So, my birthday is tomorrow. YIKES! Okay I have never freaked out over a birthday but tomorrow’s age scares the crap out of me. I don’t know why. A lot of my friends freaked out over 25, but I didn’t really care. I am officially closer to 30 than the other way. HAHA. What does a girl do when she is having a late 20’s crisis. Go Shopping!!
Two weekends ago Michael took me to Tulsa. It was a birthday weekend with him and my parents. He wanted to get me (and himself) some ski boots. He thought it was important since we go every year and I agreed. Plus shopping in NW Arkansas isn’t the same as it was in Chicago. I miss my shops in Chicago, so I settled with Tulsa. I have to go this year sometime and see all our friends and go shopping. We went to the Sun & Ski Sports shop in Tulsa got all measured up and got some super cute and fun ski boots. In the world of ski boots you go with what fits the best not what looks the best. Thank goodness they ended up cute too. Now it is time to go skiing again. I don’t want to wait another year, but I guess we will.
These are mine..pink isn’t my favorite color but I still like them.Here are Michael’s orange boots.
So what else did I shop for in Tulsa? Well the only other store I was dying to go into was J. Crew. I went into their J. Crew and it looked like a tornado had struck and no one would help me find the right sizes. Apparently size 2 is not a popular one to keep out on the tables. I found two shirts I was going to buy and at check out the lady asked if I found everything and I said no. Well she ended up finding in the back some shorts I wanted. I was still very disappointed, because I didn’t feel J. Crew satisfied. I decided I would online shop from now on.
I did find a GREAT pair of Sperry Rain Boots online the other day. Last year we almost drowned in the rain we received and I felt wet all of April and May. I even flew one day last year when it was pouring and the airport parking lot had 2 inches of water. I was soaked to the bone flying, which was not fun. I declared to Michael upon my return that I was getting rain boots. I waited until a few week ago to really start looking. I had seen some I liked but most I hated until I went to the Sperry Top-sider site and found my new boots.
Do you like?Here is one of the new shirts I got at Francesca’s and the shorts are J. Crew.
About Us
- Married Sperrys
- Michael and I have been together since 2006. We met in college at the University of Arkansas and began our life together. We bought a house and moved to Fayetteville from the Chicagoland area in November 2009. We were married in 2010 and had our first child, a boy, in 2013. Our favorite thing to do together is travel and we have gotten the opportunity to go to lots of fun places. We are working, breathing, playful parents. Our fur baby and child are the center of our crazy life, but we wouldn't have it any other way.