As most people with children can image the last few weeks have been a crazy mess of fun and lack of sleep. Today is my first official day alone with Mason all day. My mom has gone back to work and Michael went back last week. So far, today is good.
Last week was definitely crazy. Mason wasn’t gaining weight. He had lost 11.5% of his body weight since birth, and the doctors did not like that. We have started to supplement him with formula and after about a week he finally showed weight gain at the doctor. 5 ounces of weight gain in a matter of days. Thank goodness. We go back to the doctor for a weight check and two week appt tomorrow. The problems didn’t stop with Mason. I was having problems with my blood pressure. It was still high from before the baby being born. We worked all last week on finding the right amount of medicine to regulate my blood pressure. By Friday, both Mason and I were doing much better.
Mason on Friday weighed in at 6lbs 15oz. He is 20 inches long. He is currently sleeping 3-4 hours at night between feedings and he eats every 2 hours during the day. He is a very content baby thus far. I can put him in his bed awake and he will look around and entertain himself before falling asleep. I am hoping that keeps up. Fingers crossed. He is very expressive with his face. I think he gets this from me. He already smiles, which is fun to watch. He is very alert. Always wanting to look around. He knows who his Mommy and Daddy are and will follow our voices.
His big sister is feeling just as exhausted as me. She gets up with me all night and if Mason starts to cry to has to go check on him. I don’t think she is getting as much attention as she did before, but she is definitely sticking close by all of us. She is way more protective when people come to the door. Her bark just sounds meaner to me. Gabby wants to be in every picture with Mason. Grab the camera and she will follow and pose. She is such a ham.
Home from the hospital and getting some Nana time.Proud Daddy
Working on supplements…his legs make me laugh.
Cousin Lindsey visiting.
I think they both might have been a little exhausted.
Family tummy time.
Mr. Will came to visit.
Miss Laura did too.
Gabby is so interested in him.
He is so fun to watch.
Exhausted and happy.
Daddy burp time.
We are ready for some Razorback basketball.
I just love how he keeps his hands by his face.
Gabby must keep a close eye.
Some snuggle time before bed.
Papaw getting some lovin’
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