Thursday, February 28, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
5 Weeks Old
Mason is getting bigger and bigger. Last week was a good week. Valentine’s Day, Razorback Baseball season starting…kid was happy. Great week. For Valentine’s Day we had lunch with Daddy. Then on Saturday Michael and I had an afternoon off from Mason. My parents, Nana and Papaw, came up and watched Mason so that we could go to a movie and dinner. We picked a movie and brought dinner back to the house. It was hard to leave him. I don’t know what I will do when I have to travel in May. Probably cry. It will get easier and I need to practice to be prepared for that time.
Mason has still been sleeping great at night (*knock on wood). He goes down between 9-10pm and wakes up at 3:30-4:30 (sometimes later) to eat and goes right back down. He has started to fight sleep a little at 10pm, but nothing a little time rocking with Mama doesn’t fix. I say we are really lucky. I think he got my sleeping gene, because I am a sleeper and a napping person.
Mason and Gabby snuggling.Sporting his Rugby outfit.
We got Mason’s giant picture. Waiting for Michael to hang it up.
Happy Boy in his Daddy’s arms.
He loves his Daddy.
This was my snuggle time after our date afternoon/night.
We took Gabby swimming on Sunday, because it was so warm.
Swimming is Gabby’s favorite activity.
Loves it!
This is what Mason did the whole trip to the lake.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Razorback Baseball
Today starts Baseball season. I am so excited, but also a little disappointed it is so cold this weekend. I would have loved to take Mason to his first baseball game. We probably would have gone today if it had been over 60 degrees. Bummer. I think Mason was a little disappointed this morning when I told him it was too cold.
But then I told him not to worry because we have season tickets and will get to go to plenty of games once it is warmer outside. This made him happier, plus the pacifier didn’t hurt either. I can’t wait to go to the games. We are ranked #1 right now. I am hoping we go to the College World Series this year. We might even go (if I don’t have work trips during it again).
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Monday, February 11, 2013
Mason 1 Month Old
I no longer have a newborn. I now have a baby. He is 1 Month!! I can’t believe it has already been a month. Time is going by way too fast for this Mama. I am starting to get antsy about going back to work, but I am also dreading not spending every minute with him. Something I have to get used to since I will be traveling for work very soon. I am looking forward to getting into a new routine with him, but I know that it will be so hard. I need to find someone to watch him at our house for a couple of months before we start daycare. So much to do and so little time.
Getting so big. My pacifier is so good!
We love napping on our Nana! Thank goodness for Nanas. This week we spent some time at Nana and Papaw’s house to visit Uncle Eric. We had a poop catastrophe at Nana’s house. We are super thankful that she works so close to her house and could come help out. There was poop everywhere. Nana came to feed Mason while I cleaned and disinfected everything.
Papaw could not wait to match outfits!
Even Gabby loves going to Nana and Papaw’s house to lay on the new furniture.
Mason really liked spending time with Uncle Eric!
Grandpa always says yes!
Mama time.
Snuggling with Nana.
Everyone was excited Uncle Eric was home.
Daddy was glad when we came home.
Smiley Boy.He loves laying over my heart.
Mason always sleeps with his hands by his face.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Mason-4 weeks
I am a little behind, because my computer would not connect to the wifi in my house. We have had a big two weeks. Mason is growing like a weed, or maybe just his finger nails. I feel like I am needing to cut them daily. He has started to grab my hand while I am feeding him. It is the sweetest thing ever. He is eating like he is starving. He eats 4oz every 3-4 hours. He has been sleeping great! Most nights he sleeps 5 hours at a time. He usually doesn’t sleep any less than 4 hours at a time. This is wonderful.
Michael is the greatest Daddy in the world. He definitely helps me at night. He usually gets up once to help feed. I am hoping Mason will stay on his new schedule which gets him up at 2AM and then 6AM. Michael can then feed him before work. Having Michael help is great, because this Mama really likes her sleep and has a tendency to be very crabby without it. He also helps out a lot once he gets home from work, so I can have a break. Makes me love Michael more and more. He is such a great Daddy. Mason just loves him.
He is telling me all about something.Snuggling with his Daddy. Such a sweet picture.
My brother and Mason.
Loving his play mat.
Finally meeting my brother, Uncle Eric was excited!The next three pictures about sum up Mason’s funny faces.
Mason always gives me this sleepy look, but the finger he is a little young for that.
About Us
- Married Sperrys
- Michael and I have been together since 2006. We met in college at the University of Arkansas and began our life together. We bought a house and moved to Fayetteville from the Chicagoland area in November 2009. We were married in 2010 and had our first child, a boy, in 2013. Our favorite thing to do together is travel and we have gotten the opportunity to go to lots of fun places. We are working, breathing, playful parents. Our fur baby and child are the center of our crazy life, but we wouldn't have it any other way.