I am a little behind, because my computer would not connect to the wifi in my house. We have had a big two weeks. Mason is growing like a weed, or maybe just his finger nails. I feel like I am needing to cut them daily. He has started to grab my hand while I am feeding him. It is the sweetest thing ever. He is eating like he is starving. He eats 4oz every 3-4 hours. He has been sleeping great! Most nights he sleeps 5 hours at a time. He usually doesn’t sleep any less than 4 hours at a time. This is wonderful.
Michael is the greatest Daddy in the world. He definitely helps me at night. He usually gets up once to help feed. I am hoping Mason will stay on his new schedule which gets him up at 2AM and then 6AM. Michael can then feed him before work. Having Michael help is great, because this Mama really likes her sleep and has a tendency to be very crabby without it. He also helps out a lot once he gets home from work, so I can have a break. Makes me love Michael more and more. He is such a great Daddy. Mason just loves him.
He is telling me all about something.Snuggling with his Daddy. Such a sweet picture.
My brother and Mason.
Loving his play mat.
Finally meeting my brother, Uncle Eric was excited!The next three pictures about sum up Mason’s funny faces.
Mason always gives me this sleepy look, but the finger he is a little young for that.
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