Delayed but not too late. At least we are still in the same month right. Michael’s brother and SIL were in town for a few weeks with their two kiddos, so for the 4th we spent some time at his Mom’s house hanging out with everyone. We also shot off fireworks. Mason did so good. He actually fell asleep right before we shot them off and I was worried that he would be scared. He woke up minutes before the noise. He did great. I think he was a little worried about the loud noise and he would scream at them, but he did great. We didn’t have tears so I would say it was a success. We also took lots of family photos. It isn’t everyday that everyone is together in one place.
My cute hubby.I decided I wanted a change and went dark with my hair. This is actually darker than my natural color, with some red. I love it, but I am thinking we may have to lighten it soon.
Crazy hair.
These two were born a day apart.
Mason and his Uncle Brad.
Michael’s family. Brothers, niece and nephews and his mama.
Mason was watching the bigger kids play with poppers and sparklers. Next year buddy.
Our nephew being silly.
Our pretty niece. She is a sweetie.
Sitting on the front porch enjoying the company.
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