So you saw the pictures from our beach vacation. That basically summed up Week 25. We have been having lots of fun and I have been trying so hard to get caught up on blogging about Mason. I do this for myself. I want to remember everything, especially when I am old and cannot remember my own name.
Mason has had a lot of firsts this month. First 4th of July fireworks and his second. First real orange. First flight. First hotel stay. And first family vacation. And FIRST TOOTH! He is sitting up on his own now and really wanting to crawl. He turns currently to what he wants. This happens a lot with Gabby. He really loves petting her and grabbing her. Gabby is great and has not snapped at him in any way. We praise her constantly. She usually just gets this look like really kid.
Looking forward to: talking. He does a lot of talking now, but no real words. We wake up at night ALL the time to him laying in his crib jibber jabbering. The other night he was screaming at the top of his lungs and then would just talk. At first I thought something was wrong, but then realized he was just playing. Crazy child. What is really funny, is that he sometimes wakes up talks for 5 minutes and falls back to sleep. I think he is going to be like his mama and never ever going to shut up.
What?He loves his piano.
So happy!
What’s up Mom? He got into this position from sitting trying to get the tag.
Mason was jumping in his jumperoo and he was making lots of noise. I looked up from working at my laptop because it got quiet and this is what I saw. I laughed so hard, grabbed Michael and the camera and took pictures. I then moved him to his bed.
Mason LOVES his Daddy, they are good buddies.
Spending the day with Mom and Dad…trying to buy a new house.Laying in bed.
Trying out a sippy cup. Doesn’t quite understand it, but hey it works.
Playing at school. Love how happy he always is at school.
I love his facial expressions. He is definitely like his mama.
Yogurt at school…He loves to eat!
Playing on the water table at school.Loving school.
Check out this look. Trouble!
He is a big flirt.
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