8 Months!! OMG! Too quick too quick. Can we take a step back and think about the newborn version of Mason. Tiny itty bitty Mason. I miss this less mobile version of Mason, but not the yellowish version.
Attitude! What up Mama!
So Happy and Smiley as always!
Sucking on that bottom lip…feeling those teeth.
Weight: He doesn’t have to go back to the doctor until next month, but my professional opinion says he weighs in at 20+lbs. SO BIG. I sometimes pick him up and he just feels SO heavy and then I hold our friends little girl who is 8 months older and I think she weighs less.
Height: I believe in my professional measuring job he is about 30 inches. Long and lean. When I look at how tall he is getting it makes me realize I am QUICKLY losing my baby and getting a little boy.
Clothes: Mason is in 12 month footy PJs. 9 Month most things. Because he is so long he needs to go up a size, but onesies and all other footless outfits are 9 month.
Eats: He is still not picky at eating. Thank goodness. I have started venturing off the straight puree. I let him try anything I can smash easily. He loves all fruit, which mean he is not my child. I hate all fruit. I am loving his faces when he tries new food.
Sleeps: My great sleeper is still doing so well. We have the occasional bad night aka he wakes up once, but there usually is a reason. Recently cutting two teeth didn’t help.
What he is enjoying: My little man is CRAWLING everywhere. It was one day barely moving across the room and the next day he is army crawling every place. The kid gets around fast too. It is time to baby proof this new house ASAP! He wants to be standing already. I am nervous it will be no time at all before he is taking steps on his own. He will already walk, yes he takes steps picking up his feet and walking, as long as we have his hands. Now he is no one near ready to try alone, our balance is not their yet, but you know what this mama is not ready!
Teeth: We have three teeth cut through the gums! The bottom two central incisors and an upper lateral incisor. He looks a little funny, but it is cute and I can tell the two top central incisors are trying the meanest to cut through.