Big boy pulled up this weekend. Cannot believe it. He is 8 months and 3 weeks. He needs to slowdown. I love watching him develop but I don’t want him to grow up too fast. They already grow up way too fast. I would definitely recommend to any mommy or mommy to be out there, don’t wish the next developmental milestone. Enjoy the day and what they are doing now.
He makes us smile and laugh daily. I cannot imagine my life without him in it each and everyday. He is talking up a storm. Mostly saying Bah Bah Bah. He lets out an occasional mama and pa pa, but daily bah bah. I think he thinks he is talking to Gabby. He says it the most when he is crawling over to get Gabby. He laughs and smiles a lot. My favorite time is getting him out of bed in the morning. One of these days I am going to record it. Just too sweet.
FaceTime with my baby while out of town.Sleeping with his booty in the air.
Playing with Gabby.
Trying to steal Gabby’s bone. Note Gabby’s paw on his hand.
He has started giving us kisses!
Sitting in the yard.
What’s up Mama…I just playin
Same look.
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