Anyone sad the weekend is over. I was traveling all last week and so I am very sad. I would like to still be snuggling my little bug, instead of sending him to school. Even though Mason LOVES school. Today when I dropped him off he couldn’t get out of his seat fast enough.
A few weeks ago my brother was in town and of course he came over and spent some time with his nephew. At first Mason wasn’t too sure about him, but quickly warmed up and loved him. I really wish he lived closer. It is fun to watch my brother with him. Mason also got a fun gift from a family friend. It was musical bath toys and several books. We love books and anything that makes noise. He loves to pound of everything, the floor, the highchair, the table. It doesn’t matter as long as it makes noise. We have been practicing making all the instruments make noises. Mason watches us so close and tries very hard to mimic.
Here he is trying to open the present.Oh Fun Paper!
Uncle Eric and Mason!
Why wouldn’t Mason love an Uncle who lets him do whatever he wants.
What’s up people! Just love this picture!
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