First Christmas…what what! It was soooo much more fun this year with Mason. I think my family would just like to buy and watch Mason open his presents. He was so fun. It being his first experience with presents I really didn’t think he would care. In fact, I thought the box and paper would be more interesting to him then the toys. WRONG. Boy was I ever wrong. It was hard to get him to move from the first gift to the next one. He would find a button or noise and done. And he would say I LOVE IT with a big smile. I am so glad I have the happiest baby on earth.
Each year, we spend Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas night was spent with M’s family. We spent Christmas morning and day together as a family. It was so much fun. I will probably say that 10 more times. Be prepared for picture over load. I restricted myself here.
My parents and Michael and I took Mason to see the lights at the park in my hometown. He was sleepy, but he liked the light.Christmas Eve. I just have to say that my dad, Mason’s papaw, is his favorite person! We could all be in the same room and Mason would pick him every single time.
I love this look. All these are for me?
Opening his presents.
WHOA a school bus!
He love to push anything around the room. Here he goes with his new toy.
Thanks to Papaw for taking it out of the box.
Stop sign…in and out in and out.
Trying to get him to open another one.
More pushing.
Look what I have…a pirate ship.
Uncle Eric loving on Mason.
His gift from Uncle Eric…It lights up!
Christmas morning. First, we do not co-sleep. Michael put Mason in bed with me in the morning and we snuggled, and apparently it was so cute that Michael took a picture.
Santa Came.
Coming to see what Santa brought.
I love my piano! It makes so much noise. Thanks Santa.
Getting some rocking time. After all the opening, Mason was overwhelmed by new toys and crashed for a 3 hour nap this day. It was nice for all of us.
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