We had a sick baby this week. On Monday, Mason woke up early. Like 5:30AM early. This is different from his usual 7:00AM or later wake ups. Michael went to get him and tried to get him to go back to sleep but the poor baby just kept fussing. He put him in bed with us and poor baby just could not get comfortable.
We got up and started getting ready for work and school and he would not let us put him down. He would cry huge tears if we set him down for even a second. So, Michael and I took turns holding him. I thought he is just really sleepy since he has been up since 5:30. I checked his temperature to make sure he was not sick and we were normal. We loaded Mason up and took him to school. He started crying about halfway to school (10 minute drive) and I kept trying to give him stuff to calm him down. Nothing was working. As soon as I got him out of his car seat at school he threw up everywhere. It was crazy. I stood there in shock for a few minutes. The majority was on the concrete but I got a good coverage. Mason on the other hand had nothing on him. I didn’t know if I should load him back up in the car and go home or clean up first. I stood there too long shocked. This was Mason’s first vomit. I went inside and asked if someone would hold him while I washed my hands at least. I called Michael to have him come and get Mason, I had a doctor’s appointment in the morning and had to go.
Michael was there in no time and took the poor baby home. He said he fell asleep in the car and when they got home he was fairly happy just sitting with him on the couch. By the time I got home at 9:30 Mason was asleep on Michael sitting up on the couch. Pathetic. I put him to bed and he slept until 1:00. Michael kept saying, maybe we should get him up. I said no way. Sick baby needs sleep. Once Mason woke up and ate some lunch he was in the best mood. I called the doctor because Mason has had a bad cough and since he threw up I wanted to make sure we didn’t need to bring him in. She thought he probably threw up from the drainage. You could tell Mason still was 100% the rest of the day, but he is doing much better.
Mason loving on Gabby. He really loves her and was hugging her and kissing her and I think Gabby knew it was making this sick baby happy because she just laid there and took it. This is how I could tell he still felt bad. He just wanted to sit on my lap and snuggle.
I love how quickly baby’s seem to bounce back. I am now sick and I cannot shake this crud. Yuck. My cough is killing me, but Mason, he is great! Minus the cough and running nose that is continuing.
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