Michael was out of town for a couple of days and that meant lots of fun for Mommy and Mason. I love my alone time with Mason and with several trips upcoming on my schedule it is the best way to have him feel special. The weather here has been great, so we played outside and chased Gabby and ate good food…good per Mason. It was a fun few days. Exhausting but fun! Chasing a toddler around the house is just exhausting. He is into anything and exploring everything. His little mind is turning a million times a second. We are working on animal noises and his favorite is the lion/tiger, dog and fish. Skyping with Nana and Papaw. He loves to sit on the coffee table like a big kid and talking to his Nana and Papaw. He gets super excited. That’s a dog treat toy.
Loving on Gabby. He just loves laying on Gabby. She is getting more and more okay with him laying on her like this. She used to jump up immediately and now she just lays there.
My baby was so sleepy after school. Sometimes I have to give him his paci to hold him off until after I finished my dinner. You got to do what you got to do. He is so funny, last night he ate an entire chicken breast, but nothing else. God help me through his teenage years. He will probably eat us out of house and home.
First time playing with chalk. Who knew that chalk was so messy? This little boy was a mess after playing with the chalk. He did not quite understand the coloring on the concrete part but he still was having fun. He especially liked chasing Gabby around the yard and laughing really hard when Gabby would chase her balls.
Mason has become a little monkey, climbing on everything. He climbed into this chair and decided to sit backwards, all while carrying three pieces of chalk. He really liked the chalk but mostly walking around the yard with them and now coloring with them.
The other night Mason was eating and ended up gagging himself. He does this a lot more than I would think is normal. Most of the time it is with a spoon. Learning to feed ourselves is hard work! But I thought this was a funny video and might be a little much but oh well. I am pretty sure he gags himself, throws up a little in his mouth, swallows it and then does this little shake that proves he will probably never do it again.
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