On Sunday morning, we took Mason along with his best friend, Maddox, to go visit a local fire station. I have been wanting to take Mason for awhile now to visit my cousin in Fort Smith at the local station there, but we haven’t made it to Fort Smith in forever. I was mentioning this to my friend, who is Maddox’s mama, and she told me her BIL works at the big one in our area and that we should all go. I said lets do it. So, we made plans to go visit him this last weekend.
These boys, absolutely loved everything. They were running from truck to truck. Button pushing and laughing. It was so adorable to watch their excitement over something so small/big. This is my favorite picture ever. I just love the smile on Mason’s face. Pure excitement over driving and pushing buttons. Sign this kid up. Mason mid excited dance. It is a big truck!!
I think this is my second favorite picture from the day.
Riding in the ambulance. Mason really wanted to push all of the buttons. The guys were not worried one bit, but I could just see him breaking something.
Mason was not too sure about the inside of the fire truck. He did find the flashlights.
That hat weighed as much as he did easy.
More buttons. He is telling Maddox’s daddy to sit.
Joy. These two running and laughing. I think there favorite things in the fire station were orange cones and the red brooms. These two would have cleaned the whole place if we had let them.
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