We had a pretty eventful and fun weekend. We started the weekend visiting with family in the front yard while the kids ran around and the neighbors shot off fireworks. It was great, relaxing time. Friday morning we headed to the lake. I love going to the lake because our cell phones don’t work and it is a mini get away. Plus we get to go out on the boat, swim, eat well, and visit with friends. We also have Nana and Papaw at the lake to help with Mason, so Mama and Dada could go out late and watch the fireworks. I love getting to go do stuff, but I was glad to sleep in my own bed. I think Mason was glad too since he slept until almost 8am. Yikes!
Yay!!! The Lake is AWESOME! He jumped off the boat every 5 minutes. Napped on the boat and even loved honking the boat horn.
I love his towel that Nana got for him. I am going tomorrow and purchases several for the kids at our pool. It is perfect.
The group who went to watch the fireworks. It was a perfect cool evening…wait is it really July? We saw a million stars and the moon light guided us home.
Baby Free. Thanks Nana for allowing us to get out on the boat and watch the fireworks.
Playing catch. We have been working on him catching the ball.
Balls! I love Balls!
Daddy and Mason on the porch. Love them!
Mason and Chico. Mason was trying to get Chico to go into the dog door. Chico had other ideas. Kisses.
Mason kept saying Go Go Go…or as it sounds. Doe Doe Doe.
Visiting the neighbors deck.
Morning Fog on the water.
My baby and me. Got to love how happy he is all the time. I hope everyone had a great 4th Holiday and enjoyed the long weekend.
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