Last week we got some snow. We had Mason home with us on Monday, and he got to play in the snow. He played in the snow last year, but the boy didn’t really get to play. At a year, he didn’t really know what to do. This year, he knew. He loved it. He would have stayed outside forever.
This outfit was from last year. It was a LOT small, but worked. Next year he will get a new snow pants outfit. We are going to take Mason skiing next year, so he will need them. But for this year it worked. Gabby loved the snow. She always does. I think she loves the snow as much as she loves the pool. All she does is run around like a crazy dog.
Check out those red cheeks. He was eating the snow. Yum. He also kept taking off his gloves. He wanted to feel the snow, but he would then saying Hurt Mommy Hurt. I kept putting them back on and he kept taking them off. Silly boy.
Daddy taught Mason how to make snow angels.
Daddy also taught Mason how to throw snow on Gabby. Both Gabby and Mason really enjoyed this game.
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