Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Be Blessed Lovelies
I have known the sweet Sisti family since I was in Jr. High School. A long long time. I have had significant good times from High School to College and beyond with the three oldest Sistis and they are probably the sweetest family ever! It makes me very sad to think that this sweet family is having to go through this difficult time and I will be continuing to pray for them.
As a Mommy myself, I think the hardest is to imagine those sweet babies having to go the rest of their lives without their Mommy. It makes me squeeze my babies just a little longer and harder, so please continue to keep those babies in your prayers as well.
They have setup a GoFundMe account to help with the girl's college fund. Please if you feel so inclined go and donate.
#beblessedlovelies #rememberingleslie
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Addison – 3 Months
Weight: We go to the doctor next month, so I don’t know the exact answer but I did do the weigh us weigh me and she weighs…
Height: Who knows…I can tell she is longer, but haven’t measured her in awhile. She is long enough that her 0-3 month pjs are tight in the length. Thank goodness for cute gowns.
Clothes: Addison is just starting to outgrow her newborn clothes, finally!! She fits into 0-3 month pjs, 0-3 months clothes and some 3 month clothing, but newborn clothes are getting a little too tight. She is in size 1 diapers. Just a little bitty baby.
Eats: We are still eating every 2 hours. At school she eats 3oz every 2 hours, so I am guessing that’s what she eating during the other feedings.
Sleeps: Addie Mo is a good sleeper. She goes down at 9 and gets up at 4 most days. Some days she will wake up in the middle of the night to eat, but most nights she makes it until 4am, with the random 5am or 6am days. I am ready for 8-6 or 9-6 like her brother. Please soon pretty girl!
Likes: Addison is definitely a Mama’s girl. She is always smiling at me and is now laughing. She really tries to talk by moving her mouth with the occasional noise coming out. She focuses so hard on grabbing items. I caught her watching her feet the other day and that was funny. She was in awe of them.
Dislikes: We have another super happy baby. Her biggest complaint is gas and spitting up. She takes medicine for the spitting up but some days are better than others. Over the weekend was bad. Poor baby just was not happy. But who really would enjoy having food come back up.
Addison’s hair is just plain fun. It is growing so much. I really cannot wait until it is long enough to do things with it….besides putting bows in her hair, which I can already do.
Mason wanted to get in on the pictures and he finds Daddy a lot funnier than Addison. Addison is giving her…don’t expect me to smile for you face. Lets do a little comparison!
Monday, July 20, 2015
July 4th Wrap-up
Okay, it is almost August. But before August actually gets here lets talk about our 4th of July. It was a fun one. Michael took off work early on Thursday, so that we could make it to the lake before dinner. I drove us the 3hours to the lake and while I was driving Michael was working. Yes, in the car…yes ALL 3 hours to the lake. He has been super busy with work, but I am so glad he decided working in the car was an option. I had the car packed and ready to go days in advance. I was so excited about getting to spend some time away from the house. Who doesn’t love a little getaway? We have lots of friends at the lake and the 4th is always a good time for everyone to get together…Eat…Boat…Drink…Eat again.
Mason loves the lake. He has lots of people to play with each day. He has his Nana and Papaw. He has a baseball field. And he has fishing. The boy is in little boy heaven. This trip Mason had a little friend that was his age to play with and boy did that little boy show off. He already knows how to get her attention. They would be running around playing chase and then Mason would fall into the dirt (slide) and lay there until Gracie would come over and ask if he was okay. He would say yeah I am okay and jump up and run. It was so cute. They got to swim together too.
My Dad has been dying to put Mason on the tube. We got Mason so excited about tubing and he got to ride it with his Daddy. He truly was enjoying it, even though we were going about 5mph. My Dad made a good wake and was sending the boys over it when I suggested slowing down and that was a bad idea. It bounce Michael off the tube and he decided to take Mason with him. Michael didn’t want Mason 100 yards from both of us. It was a good and bad idea. It scared Mason falling off and he wasn’t too happy to go again, but Michael made him go for a little bit and then we brought Mason in the boat and let him see Daddy ride.
Mason was tired after the ride out one day and asked me to cover him with a towel. I did and he took a little nap on the boat. It was so cute.
One of the days we were at the lake, Michael’s best friend and his wife drove over from Little Rock to spend the day. I was so sad I didn’t get a picture of Addison and Brooks. They just moved from Canada to Little Rock, so I am sure we will see much more of them.
Addison enjoyed the lake as well. She gets all of the attention. There is a family I used to babysit for that is at the lake too. The Dad, as soon as he saw Addison, told me to give him that baby. He is a baby whisperer. It was so cute. I wish I would have gotten a picture. He also burped her for me. He had the magic touch. It made me laugh. There kids are in high school and grown now…makes me feel old. The one in high school played baseball with Mason. We had a big get together at their trailer and Addison got to wear her 4th of July outfit.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Life Happens
Well the last few weeks have been a little crazy. Michael was out of town for 2 weeks. We went to the lake for the 4th of July. Our renter is moving out of our rent house. And I started back to work. So needless to say I have been spinning.
I am hoping to get back into a good routine now that I am back to work. Or at least a routine. It can be an ugly routine as long as I get to have a routine. Currently, Addison is going to a daycare, where her brother will join her in August. Until August, we have a nanny watching Mason at the house.
We are working on getting our rent house looking good and getting new renter in there. We have had to show it several times this week alone. We also needed to mow and work on it in general. That is quite difficult with two babies. Michael and I have been lucky to have good friends who have let Mason come play while we work on the house.
Addison is growing and adjusting well to going to daycare. I really love our new daycare/school so much better than the last one. The teachers and staff definitely have it together. Her teachers are wonderful with her and I can tell they already are loving her little personality and definitely loving her hair. They told me she is becoming quite popular among all the teachers and parents. People can’t believe how much hair she has.
I am hoping to get back into a routine of blogging soon. I miss writing about my two kiddos and my wonderful doggie. Now that I have given a quick update I will give you a little picture overload.
Crazy Hair Don’t Care!
Blueberry/Blackberry Picking
Riding the tube with Daddy over the 4th
Who does not love a little baby smile!?
Addison loves her big sister as much as her big brother.
Mason and I had a date day together and he got these glasses.
She just makes me so happy.
About Us
- Married Sperrys
- Michael and I have been together since 2006. We met in college at the University of Arkansas and began our life together. We bought a house and moved to Fayetteville from the Chicagoland area in November 2009. We were married in 2010 and had our first child, a boy, in 2013. Our favorite thing to do together is travel and we have gotten the opportunity to go to lots of fun places. We are working, breathing, playful parents. Our fur baby and child are the center of our crazy life, but we wouldn't have it any other way.