The last week is just a big blur to me. I was actually looking back through pictures thinking that didn’t happen last week. We had something EVERY day/night last week. It was a busy week and that’s why I am not sure what occurred. I will just share some new pictures and hopefully I will remember what happened. One important item…we have now gone 4 days straight of going to bed at 8pm and waking at 6am!! This is an improvement from 8-4!! Fingers crossed it continues.
Gabby is starting to get more and more protective of Mason. She is staying close to him and me all the time. This is Mason’s fat face. I thought it was funny.
Snuggle time during the time before Daddy gets home is the best.
Mason has new motivation for rolling over. It is the TV. I position him where he cannot see the TV, as we don’t want him watching it, and this is what he does. He has come VERY close to rolling over just to see the TV.
Better angle of his face trying so hard to see that TV.
We are able to lift our head so well now and we don’t scream every time we are on our tummy. Thank goodness.
Napping in his rock ‘n play during the day. I just can’t help wanting to come and snuggle instead of working, but I will take a few minutes to watch this sweet boy sleep.
Oh yeah that’s him actually getting an eye on that TV. This was right before I turned it off completely. Let me know if something important happens in the news.
He doesn’t mind some Mommy time.
Mason’s first ball cap. He doesn’t really know what to think about it being on his head, but he didn’t cry so I believe he likes it.
My morning boy is just always smiling.
Throwing in a picture of Gabby after a long walk. #firstborn
Hanging out in my office playing.
Mason has really started looking at Gabby more. He watches her play and run around now. I think he definitely can see clearer.
Mason petting his sister.
I just love the look I am getting from both of them. “Really Mom”