Mason went for his check up yesterday and shots. I think he did better this time around than last time. By yesterday afternoon, he was all smiles and giggles.
Weight: 15lbs 5oz putting Mason right in the middle at 50%
Height: 26 3/4” We have a long long baby, 95%. If this kiddo does not stop growing, he won’t get to wear half the cute clothes that he has in his closet. He is long and lean.
Head: 16 1/2” Mason has a smaller head, 25%. I will say this doesn’t surprise me, because neither Michael nor I have big heads. I actually think Michael and I have the same size.
I love comparing how much he has grown since his last visit. I think it is interesting that he grew an inch and a half in a week and two inches in two months. In the grand scheme of things that is a lot.
Mason spent most of last week with my parents. They watched Mason and Gabby and allowed us to go to Chicago for a few days. I had to be there for work, so Michael came along and we left Mason at home. It was a wonderful 4 nights of uninterrupted sleep. I thought it would be hard to leave Mason for the first time, but it really was not hard at all. He was happy with his Nana and Papaw playing and getting lots of love.
On Mother’s Day. My first Mother’s Day and Nana’s first as a Grandmother!Mason showing his laid back style. Just hanging out waiting to go to Nana’s house.
Gabby checking out her brother! They are both getting more and more interested in what the other one is doing.
Going for a walk at Nana’s house. I got plenty of pictures and videos to keep me happy.
Early morning shot at Nana’s house.
Nana letting me know he is doing just fine.
This is how we spent the first afternoon back. In his Mama’s arms.
Sleeping with that mouth wide open.
I am his little recliner.
Even though we got shots, we are still as happy as can be!
Taking a walk…Got to prop up those legs and eat that hand.
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