Long Long Long. Yup this kiddo has grown in length again! Okay, I know it is going to probably occur for the next 20 years but really give the kid a little break. He is now 27.5” long. 2 weeks ago at his doctor’s appointment he was 26.75” long. Almost another inch. I think he grows overnight. One day I will tell Michael lets measure him I think he is longer. Michael laughs at me but indulges me and every single time the boy is longer.
We have had busy busy week and Memorial Day weekend. Mason had his first of many trips to the lake. His first of many times out on the boat, and he didn’t scream all of the time. When the boat was moving he would almost always fall asleep. The life jacket he hated, but really who wouldn’t. Overall I think it was a very very successful trip and I can’t wait to go many more times this summer. I know he will enjoy it more and more each time we go.
My little Cubby Bear.Riding the neighborhood with his legs propped up on the stroller.
Oh I love my ducky! It is the greatest!
Check out that hair.
Family shot.
Sleeping baby.
Daddy and Mason ready for some lake time.
Going on a three hour tour!
Waiting to leave the dock.
This shows just how much he hated the vest.
Papaw is driving a what…?
Where are we going?
The life jacket tastes soooo yummy.
I am one cool cat.
This is how Mason spent the majority of his time on the boat…eating or sleeping.
Dad lets go over there it looks like more fun!My cute biker baby!
Pope Mason
Okay, it is funny. No we did not let him drink beer. The bottle was cold and felt good on his gums, which might have teeth trying to come in.
He loves to chew on the paci.
Blowing bubbles!
I want to feed myself!
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