I completely missed his 20 month post. Oops. I have been so very sick that just making it through my workday has been hard enough. I am feeling a little better slowly but surely this first trimester will end and I will be back on my game.
Weight: We have not been to the doctor since September, when he needed to visit his allergist. He was weighing about the same at 28lbs. I feel like he has grown recently and might weigh closer to 30lbs.
Height: The allergist measured his height at a little over 35” I cannot wait to see if he will be over 36” or at 36” at his two year appointment, which will be the next time we HAVE to go to the doctor, even though, we probably will need to get a flu shot this month.
Eats: Ranch, mustard, ketchup. If I put anything on top of my food, Mason insists that he needs this too. He is still our little piglet, but he is starving when we gets home from school and needs a snack, which is making dinner not as enjoyable.
What he is enjoying: This little boy is such a mess! He is loving rough housing. He loves BALLS. Wants to take said balls everywhere…to school, to the bath, inside, outside, it does not matter as long as he has a ball in his hand. It is cute until you are napping and a ball get thrown into your face. He still is loving Gabby and Mommy and Daddy. Every morning he lays in bed and sings songs and says our names. It is cute. He is also enjoying Nana and Papaw after spending 8 days with them, he asks about them often.
Teeth: 16 teeth. I need to double check this count. He pretty much has all of the front teeth, just missing 2yr molars. I am not reaching back there to check on those. I will come out missing a finger.
Talking: He is such a little talker. He struggles with several letters, but I can understand most of what he says. Sometimes it is a guessing game, but luckily Mason will say Yeah or No to our answers. He will say I love you, I miss you, and Talk to you later. It is cute hearing him say bye to Nana and Papaw. He talks about baby a lot. If you ask him where something is he will point and say Right There. Names are getting easier for him, which is good. He still tries to repeat everything you say.
What’s new this month? We love football! If you put him in a Razorback shirt, he immediately says Woooo Pig…Adorable! Makes this a Proud Mama. He really loves all things sports, but football being on TV a lot has gotten his attention. Let it go. Please make that song stop! For the love of all things good, if my child could find a new song to sing, it would make me happy. He sings it as soon as he wakes up, he asks for it on TV, he even has hand motions to go with the music. The other day he got in trouble for hitting me. He went to time out and we always make him give a hug and say sorry, which is cute. After time out he came over to give me a hug, but instead of saying I so sorry he said Let it Go. Really child! Let it go. This is the generation of letting things go apparently. Of course, we laughed about it and he hasn’t done it again, but wow. Let it go Mom…no biggie.
He has been super snuggly with me lately. I think he knows I don’t feel the best. I will take all the extra snuggles and kisses I can get. My Mom sent me this picture on vacation telling me he knew how to pull the cookie apart and lick the inside out. I told her he had never had a sandwich cookie and I don’t know how he knew to do that. Some things are just born knowledge.
Buckets are fun to play in, until you get inside and cannot figure out how to get back out without falling over.
Mason at the Nature Center in Fort Smith. He loved touching all the stuffed animals.
My favorite picture of all times. Another from when my Mom had Mason. After nap time, Gabby was so excited to go get her brother that she jumped up and gave him a big huge sloppy kiss. This just proves Gabby’s love for Mason. Gabby always goes with us in the mornings or after nap to wake up Mason. Most of the time she walks in sniffs him and leaves. Mason is always calling for her and asking about Gabby. When he says her name it comes out more sounding like Bobby than Gabby, but Gabby knows it is her name and comes to him (most of the time).
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