We had a fun busy weekend. On Friday night, Michael’s brother and SIL came over with their two girls. It was nice. I always love when they come over. Mason and his cousin are a little less than a year apart and they wear each other out. They squeal and run and sometimes play a little too rough together. Our other niece is 4 months old. Since I have been so sick lately I haven’t felt like getting out of the house, therefore I haven’t seen her in forever. I needed some two kid practice. I might need to borrow her and get some more practice. I will say I still have the sleep touch. I got her to go to sleep even with the screaming toddlers running around.
Nothing beats a sleeping baby. Nothing. It is the sweetest thing ever. I think she is such a pretty little baby, and I am not just saying that as a proud aunt. Mason having a snack before his cousin came over. He has been making this face now when I take his picture.
Everyone in this family was excited about visitors. How do they know someone is coming over? How? It is amazing. She kept going to the door like this and barking like crazy.
On Saturday, Football day!! We went to the game as always. It was my first home game this year. My brother, who lives in TN, came into town and went to the game with us. It was great. Nana stayed back and watched Mason for us and we went to the cold and wet stadium. The game!!!! OMG that game was crazy!! My voice is shot and I may have gotten a cold, but it was worth every minute. Alabama should have fallen to us. A&M should have fallen to us. It gives me hope. We have a good team, they just need some more work.
Sunday, Lazy day. We ran to Walmart and to return some clothes. Other than that, Mason and I snuggled. I was exhausted. Saturday took a lot of out my pregnant body. I love snuggle days.
I have one last picture to share. You probably saw this if you follow me on IG. Mason and his bestie at school last week. They are super buddies. I just about started to cry when I saw this picture. Hormones. I hope these two continue their love of each other. Mason and him are going to become big brothers together next year and I am hoping those two are besties too.
Check back tomorrow for my 12 week bumpdate post.
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