Welcome to the world Addison Monroe.
Born April 21, 2015 at 9:28AM
Weight: 7lbs 6oz
Length: 19.5”
She is a very happy baby and very alert. She has a TON of jet black hair and blue eyes.
Welcome to the world Addison Monroe.
Born April 21, 2015 at 9:28AM
Weight: 7lbs 6oz
Length: 19.5”
She is a very happy baby and very alert. She has a TON of jet black hair and blue eyes.
How far along? 39 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 23.5 lbs. according to doctor’s scale.
Maternity clothes? Yes. So close to no more maternity clothes I have actually started putting them in tubs.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep has been worse. I am getting up about every 2 hours to pee. Guess it is my body preparing for a hungry baby.
Best moment this week: Finishing work. Hearing the baby’s heartbeat. Finding out we are moving up my c-section date.
Miss Anything? Everything normal. Hopefully in a few weeks, post surgery I will feel more normal! Can’t wait.
Movement: I finally figured out what is sticking out of my sides…feet. And in my ribs is a little booty.
Food cravings: Wine…beer…please!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Some days I am sick but I think it just from my body not having enough room.
Feelings: Excited and nervous all at the same time. Can’t believe I will be meeting my baby girl tomorrow.
Gender: GIRL! Sweet Addison Monroe.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On. Made it the entire pregnancy with it on this time!
Looking forward to: I am looking forward to meeting my precious daughter. I am looking forward to Mason meeting his sister!! He is so excited and I know he will be great big brother and I just cannot wait.
Due Date: We are scheduled for April 21st for my c-section.
Does anyone else’s child LOVE getting their haircut? Mason loves it, but I blame Michael’s wonderful hairdresser. He loves Mason and does such a great job letting him touch and see everything. Mason just smiles and laugh through each cut, which is every 4 weeks. Oh and he gets a wash at the end too. Spoiled.
Birthday party horse riding!
Do you think he knows he is cute?
Nail biter.
He kept telling each batter to hit a homerun. He got his wish.
This boy LOVES baseball and made it through the entire game!
Can he please want to hold my hand forever?
I love getting spend a little extra time with my boy before his sister joins the mix.
A Boy and his dog! Best relationship ever!
Our sweet friends and SIL threw us a wonderful baby shower a few weeks ago, over Easter weekend. It was really a perfect weekend, weather wise. When we first got pregnant I didn’t think I would have another shower this time around. The first time, was well…the first baby and we didn’t have anything. Since we didn’t know what we were having the first time, a lot of what we needed was baby neutral, so I didn’t feel the need to restock. Our friend, who threw the shower, insisted we have at least a celebration of the baby. I am so glad we did. It was so nice to get together with all our friends and most family before Addison arrives. Might be awhile before we get everyone in the same room together.
My bigger helper. I needed the help.
Dresses and all things girly.
Me and my lovely hostesses.
Me with My Mama and my MIL.
Total weight gain/loss: 23.5 lbs. according to doctor’s scale.
Maternity clothes? Yes. Boo. So over maternity clothes.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Napping almost daily. I spent my lunch hour last week napping and on the weekends I take a nap when Mason does.
Best moment this week: I had to go to the doctor for contractions last week and they monitored me for awhile, it was great. I got to listen to Addison’s heartbeat for the entire time. She is doing great. I on the other hand was told to rest and relax. Thank goodness I work from home, and have a wonderful Mama and Daddy. They came up that first night to help with Mason so Michael could go play softball with friend (already planned).
Miss Anything? Bending at the waist. Drinking. Normal clothes. Pretty much I am ready to meet Addison and get back to normal…or as normal as possible.
Movement: I have had contractions pretty much on and off daily and in between contractions Addison wants to stretch and move.
Food cravings: I am not having any cravings. I really would like to eat normal food without heartburn.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have had a little queasiness, but mostly at night and usually when I wake up to use the bathroom.
Feelings: I am beyond ready for Addison to come into this world. It is weird to think next week (if not sooner) we will be a family of 4.
Gender: GIRL! Sweet Addison Monroe.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Looking forward to: Spending some time moving around again. I feel like Mason is not getting the attention he wants or needs from me resting. I know it will be difficult for the first few weeks after Addison comes and so I am ready to get that time started.
Due Date: We are scheduled for April 22nd for my c-section.
I thought I would share some pictures from our visit from the Easter bunny at home. I love this first picture, which actually came from my Friday birthday fun. It is very rare to get a picture of both my boys smiling at the same time. I especially love Mason’s smile in this picture. I couldn’t have asked for a better life and better way to spend my birthday. The Easter bunny came to visit Sunday morning. Mason got a movie, book, puzzles, bubbles, and play-doh. He loves the play-doh and puzzles the most.
Checking out all the eggs he had found. He was so excited and kept squealing. I even got a great video of him hunting the eggs.
Sorry for my absence lately. I am currently on the take it easy and rest instructions from the doctor. I have been having contractions and it might be from overdoing it a little. This last weekend was no different, but now I am done with overdoing it. I am trying to lay in bed and relax.
This weekend, Mason had several Easter Egg hunts. He had one at school, we had a neighborhood one, the Easter bunny came Sunday and then he did one with family. Too many eggs in my opinion. Next year, we may cut out one or two of them. Mason loves candy and now he knows he has some in the house (hidden).
I was curious if Mason would understand Easter egg hunting this year. Last year, he thought we were going to take the eggs from him so he grabbed a hand full and wouldn’t put them down. This year, he totally got it. It was fun to watch his excitement during each hunt.
Look Mom! Eggs!! He would shake each one before putting them into his basket.
Our neighborhood hosted an egg hunt on Saturday. My parents were up, which was wonderful, and they took pictures while I enjoyed really watching Mason hunt the eggs. Our neighbor, who Mason loves, helped him find the proper number and ran with him so I didn’t have to chase after him. Our neighbor is such a sweet girl. I cannot wait until she is a little older. I will totally let her babysit Mason and Addison. In fact, we have a great selection of future babysitters in our neighborhood. All the neighbors were shocked to see I was pregnant, but they made my day when they thought I was only 5 months pregnant. Sweet people!
Nana, Papaw look at the eggs I got. He just thought this was so fun.
I should add that Mason is wearing his rain boots because Daddy and our friend were placing new mulch on this day and Mason wants to be the biggest helper. Normally I would put him in a super adorable Easter outfit for hunting, but not when we want to play in the dirt.
Total weight gain/loss: 22.5 lbs. according to home scale.
Maternity clothes? Yes, but I am finding a few normal items that I can fit into…YAY. I will say this week is looking to forecast warm, so I will be wearing dresses most of the week.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I have hit exhausted. I am sleeping harder at night. My husband had a softball game this last week and I didn’t wake up when he came home and he took not one but two pictures with the flash of me sleeping. A little scary, but just tells you how hard I am sleeping right now.
Best moment this week: This week has been full of fun moments. It was my 31st birthday on Friday and the hubby took me to dinner with some friends. My parents came and stayed with us this weekend for my birthday and to help with Mason. We had a wonderful baby shower for Addison on Saturday. And Mason had a blast hunting Easter Eggs all weekend.
Miss Anything? Bending at the waist.
Movement: Little girl is rough and she loves to stick arms and legs and feet out of my sides. I wish she was a little plumper so it wouldn’t hurt as bad.
Food cravings: I was craving my favorite restaurant for my birthday and I got it. Good hubby took good care of us this weekend.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have had a little queasiness, but usually good of some sort helps a little.
Feelings: Nervous. I was afraid we were heading to L&D before our party Saturday. I will spare the details, but I called and they suggested I take it easy. I did and it helped, but then we had the shower and I thought I was going to die after it was all said and done. I spent most of Sunday trying to relax.
Gender: GIRL! Sweet Addison Monroe.
Belly Button in or out? In. But I think I have a hernia sticking out above my button.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Looking forward to: Not much can top this week. I get to go to the doctor again. I am actually going twice this week. I only have 15 days left and only 2 weeks of work left. The 2 weeks of work left is really scary. I have so much to do for work before I am gone for 12 weeks. I cannot wait to spend 12 weeks with Addison and I am super excited the majority of it is through summer!
Due Date: We are scheduled for April 22nd for my c-section, so unless baby girl has another idea, she will arrive April 22nd or before.
My Silly boys showing off their bellies.