Our sweet friends and SIL threw us a wonderful baby shower a few weeks ago, over Easter weekend. It was really a perfect weekend, weather wise. When we first got pregnant I didn’t think I would have another shower this time around. The first time, was well…the first baby and we didn’t have anything. Since we didn’t know what we were having the first time, a lot of what we needed was baby neutral, so I didn’t feel the need to restock. Our friend, who threw the shower, insisted we have at least a celebration of the baby. I am so glad we did. It was so nice to get together with all our friends and most family before Addison arrives. Might be awhile before we get everyone in the same room together.
My bigger helper. I needed the help.
Dresses and all things girly.
Me and my lovely hostesses.
Me with My Mama and my MIL.
We're so sad we had to miss it! We were in Little Rock for the weekend.