I can’t believe I have a 7 week old. Especially since she is still the size of a newborn. We went last week to the doctor because Addison’s poop had some blood in it. She had been spitting up a lot and we had gotten her put on medicine for that, but then the poop got weird and I called the doctor again. They had me bring her in right away. They believe she has an allergy to milk protein. What does this mean for me/us? No milk products AT ALL. Zero. I have to cut out all milk. I don’t drink or eat a lot of dairy, so I didn’t think it really could be that, but since we started removing all dairy her spitting up has improved. I have to read ingredients on everything. I am fairly used to being worried about ingredients for Mason’s allergies but now this takes it to a whole new level.
Did you know milk is in almost everything? No milk, no butter, no cheese, no goodness of anything. Every morning, I have toast with butter for breakfast, no more of that. This weekend we talked about going out for breakfast one morning. But where do we go and what do I eat. Can’t eat scrambled eggs, or pancakes, or biscuits, let alone the yummy gravy on the biscuits. It is actually kind of depressing when you really start looking at everything. Most chips minus the plain chips has milk. All chocolate is cut out. This is really making me sad, because I love me a good milky way. But in case you are wondering Oreos don’t have milk. Guess I will get my chocolate/sweet fix from them, minus the yummy milk to dip them in. No ice cream. This is sad for the summer months.
The special formula you have to give a baby with this allergy is expensive. Lets talk about how I checked because I am not sure I have the will power to avoid all milk products. The price is ridiculous on that formula. I am worried I won’t be able to keep up the caloric intake to keep my milk supply up for her. It is just rough. Most babies out grow this allergy between 6 & 9 months of age. That is a long time from now. I was planning to breastfeed for 6 months anyway, so we will see how this will continue.
Addison had gain 3oz between our visit last week and the one the week before. Slow and steady. Weighing in at 8lbs 5oz. Newborn. She is wearing newborn clothing, even though is has outgrown the length, so we are starting to switch over to 0-3 month clothing. She is 22inches long. She grew 2 inches overnight. Long and lean, like her brother.
Crazy hair day. She loves her brother and tries so hard to look at him when she hears his voice.
Laying around outside napping while brother swims in the pool. She has about 3 fans blowing on her. Ceiling fan, tower fan and her little personal fan.
Ready for the Hogs to play. She got to go to her first baseball game last week.
At her first baseball game. Notice the fan on her. She was comfortable and so was I. I wasn’t sweating at all. Good or bad, it was fun. We didn’t stay the entire game, but made it 5 innings before she needed to eat again and I was ready for the A/C. It was funny how many people commented to me as I walked past about our fan and how great of an idea it was. My brother was there and he thought it was hilarious to hear the comments everyone was making (mostly men).
She is laughing at me. Laughing. You just changed my diaper and I am pooping again. Muhahaha. This happened three times. 3! She thought she was hilarious, I on the other hand was not finding the humor.
Hi! I don't know if you remember me, but we were on flagline together at Chaffin and Southside and somehow or another I came across your blog awhile back :-). I (obviously) don't know how severe the bloody poo was, but just wanted to let you know my experience. Both of my girls had bouts of poo with blood in it (enough to notice, but not huge amounts...also the poo was green and sometimes mucousy, sorry if that's tmi) at about 8-10 weeks. I figured out that I was having a foremilk/hind milk imbalance and once I got that under control all was fixed! Maybe (hopefully!) that could be your problem too! Nursing is way more labor intensive and complicated in the beginning than I was expecting, but it is so rewarding too!