I am finally getting around to sharing newborn pictures. We sent out our birth announcements, so now it is time to add them here. Our good friend, Bryan Striegler of Striegler Photography took these for us. Addison would not fall asleep for us, her brother did the same time. She was awake for 2+hours, but we got some great shots of her with her eyes open. So cute!
She is always trying to eat her hands or thumb. We normally replace it with a pacifier. As I like to say I can take away a paci later, but I cannot take away for hand or thumb. I was a bad thumb sucker and it took my Mom a long time to break me of the habit and I would rather not go through that if I can prevent it. We are trying to prevent it…trying! This is my favorite shot!
Mason loves his sister.
I love that third photo too. Bright colors and big, beautiful eyes. Cute, cute, cute!