Height: I have long and lean babies. Lil Miss is 25" long. That puts her in the 70%. It is so fun to see them grow and grow. Especially at this age. They grow so fast.
Head: 16.04" in the 52%
Clothes: Addison is wearing 3 month clothing. We have outgrown all of our newborn clothes (YAY) and most of our 0-3 month clothing. You are wearing a size 1 diaper and I don't see you moving up anytime soon. You are very long and I have a feeling your PJs are going to be upgrade to the next size soon.
Eats: You are eating 2-3 4oz bottles a day at school and nurse 2-3 times a day. You also have about 7oz a day of formula. Mommy is about to have to start crazy traveling soon and I am trying to cut back on the pumping but it isn't working very well. I did let you try a frozen banana the other day, because I think you are teething. You LOVED it. You would cry every time I would put it down. I think you will be a good eater. In the next few weeks we may start playing with food.
Sleeps: You are a weird sleeper. You take 2-3 naps a day at school. One is usually long 2-3 hours and the other two are about 30 minutes. At night you sleep some nights from 8pm-3am and other nights you wake at about 1am acting like you are STARVING. I am hoping to break you of this habit soon, but not sure how. I really think you are in need of the food.
Likes: You love your brother and watch him all of the time. You also love the fan. I can turn it on slow and you will smile at it. You insist on sitting up most of the time. You have started to roll over in the last month. You do it on your own time. Most rolls are from tummy to back but you do back to tummy when you are trying to get somewhere. You are a very happy, smiley and always giggling kind of a girl. I think you are teething, the drool and finger chewing is intense. We will see. Watch it be 6 more months until we see the first tooth.
Dislikes: We are lucky. You don't have a lot of dislikes. You cry only when you are hungry or sleepy. The teachers at school say you are a good baby. I would say you are still fairly unhappy with the carseat. It depends on your mood, but you typically express your dislike for the carseat as I put you into it. After we get moving and you realize your cries are not getting you out you become happier.
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You are really enjoying eating your fingers. |
I can't believe Addison is already 4 months. And growing slowly but surely.
Our comparison of Mason and Addison. If you want to check back on Mason at 4 Months go HERE.
As Ever,