Monday, March 10, 2014

Mason 14 Months


It is getting harder and harder to remember to do this. It is also getting harder to realize Mason is another month older, even though I feel like he is acting more and more like a toddler. I am thinking I will change this up a little. Some I am going take off like weight and height, which should not change as often and we don’t go to the doctor as much now, so those are going to come off unless we have a doctor’s appointment (next month).

Eats: We have been slowing down on new foods. After his allergy testing a few weeks ago, we had to take him to get a blood test. Basically the prick test showed he was allergic to everything. The doctor thought some could be false negatives, but to avoid them until the blood test comes back. Hence no new food adventures.

What he is enjoying: Playing with Gabby. He is also loving to play chase. I have a 3 minute video Michael took of me chasing Mason around the house and Mason is just laughing so hard and falling over from laughing too hard. I love to hear any kid laugh it will almost always put a smile on my face.

Teeth: 11 teeth total. One of the bottom molars came in and the other is swollen and close to coming in. I figure by next month that number will increase again.

Talking: He is a talking fool. Not that we can always understand him, but he is trying to communicate with us. “B” words are the easiest. Bubble, bath, book. He is trying to say ALL DONE which sometimes sounds like ADA. It is cute. I would say his vocabulary is a little more than 10 words.

What’s new this month? We have started shaking our head “yes” and “no.” He does not quite get the difference yet, but he sure does like to shake it when answering a question. He is starting to Roar when we talk about Tigers and Lions. He has a pop out book with a Lion and he laugh and says Roar. That is the other item increasing this month. He loves to be read to, but his patience level is low. We make it about 3 pages into a book before he is down and running to pull another book off the shelf. If he can turn the pages, then he will last a little longer.

Mason loves on Gabby a lot now. Gabby will tolerate it for a short time and then gets up and moves to a new spot. She secretly loves him.20140303_101624Michael was putting together this toy for Mason, because we are going to have nice weather, but Mason could not wait for his Daddy to finish putting in the screws to ride the toy. If only he knew how to push around on it. 20140309_110011

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About Us

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Michael and I have been together since 2006. We met in college at the University of Arkansas and began our life together. We bought a house and moved to Fayetteville from the Chicagoland area in November 2009. We were married in 2010 and had our first child, a boy, in 2013. Our favorite thing to do together is travel and we have gotten the opportunity to go to lots of fun places. We are working, breathing, playful parents. Our fur baby and child are the center of our crazy life, but we wouldn't have it any other way.