I haven't done this in awhile.
- The other day, Mason was playing downstairs after his sister went to sleep. He and Daddy were a little loud and woke her up. Michael said he would go fix it and Mason said he would go. Michael tried to tell Mason nah it was okay and that he should stay downstairs with Mommy. Mason's answer NO, She needs her brother. As he ran upstairs he kept saying She needs her Brother. Awe!!!
- If we are driving in the car and Addison starts to cry Mason will immediately start singing Twinkle Twinkle little Star. But sometimes she will start to fuss not cry and I will say Mason will you sing to your sister. His response...She not crying YET. Not yet bud but she is about to...thanks.
- We are at the prime age where we can say Bye we are leaving you and he will run after us. It is great when trying to get him out of a location without a meltdown. But he always screams DON'T LEAVE ME!! Now if I go somewhere without him and then come back he will say Mama you leave me...why you leave me. Breaks my heart.
- We were walking the neighborhood and Mason was dressed as Robin (Batman & Robin). We walked by some neighbors walking in the opposite direction and one of the ladies said to Mason ooooo you are scary. Mason did not skip a beat and he said I not scary I Batman. Then he proceeded to explain that Batman and Robin scare off monsters.
- The same night we were walking, he pointed to the neighbor across the streets house and said look it is a castle. (They have a tower type design in front) He then told me that their daughter, who Mason loves and has a toddler size crush on, was in the tower and needed to be rescued. That imagination. We convinced him he didn't need to go over there, but I told the neighbors I can't promise he won't be standing outside yelling about rescuing Syd.
- Mason loves to make sad faces. I will ask him what's wrong and he will say I'm sad. My feelings are hurt. Most of the time he is faking to get something he wants. Milking it for all it is worth.

- One day Mason was running crazy and Addison was on the floor. He came over to her and I thought he was about to fall on her so I push him away. The look on his face was priceless. He said Mommy you pushed me. You need to go to time out.
- The best moment lately and it totally makes me a bad parent. We have a Halloween mask that Michael likes to wear when handing out candy. It also causes Gabby to become crazy. I was going to show Mason how Gabby reacts, and when I put it on to get Gabby I scared the crap out of Mason. His face was straight horror. I immediately took the mask off but could not stop laughing. He kept saying Mama you scared me. You scared me. I kept saying I am sorry buddy I didn't mean to. Later at bedtime he mentioned it again about how I scared him. I thought of man, this kid is going to have nightmares for weeks, but thankfully he slept great and asked to wear the mask the next morning.
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