How far along? 21 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 6 lb
Maternity clothes? Wearing a maternity shirt in this picture.
Stretch marks? No-Thank goodness.
Sleep: I have had the weirdest dreams this last week. I have also had some back pain, which is making it harder to sleep.
Best moment this week: I had a lot of good moments this week. We went to a Razorback Football game! My brother has been in town and he got to see my ever growing belly. He thought it was odd on me. Gabby made me laugh due to baby movement. I learned our baby also likes Nine Inch Nails. If we want to get him/her going play some of that and he/she starts moving. The fireworks and crowd noise at the football game also made the baby move a lot.
Miss Anything? Nothing this week.
Movement: Lots of movement. Can’t wait to get Michael to feel the baby more.
Food cravings: Nothing unusual this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I had no problems this week.
Have you started to show yet: Yes, and it is getting harder to hide the bump.
Gender: This week I had thoughts of cute little Razorback girlie attire.
Labor Signs: No.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Good week. It was a 4 day work week, and baby and I got to spend some quality time with Uncle Eric.
Looking forward to: Hitting less than 100 days until the due date.
We received our baby bedding this week! It has been fun for Michael and I to try and find something neutral for our little one’s room. We kept coming back to the one we got and finally took the plunge and purchased it. Here are a few pictures of the bed and bedding. The room is no where near being decorated, but it is definitely in the works.
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