Little boys will be little boys. He is crazy, fun, sweet, loving, rough and tumble. Mason keeps me on my toes. He allows me to never put my guard down. Pure fun and energy. He is always making us laugh and he is extra sweet when he wants to be. The other morning I asked him if he loved his Mommy and he said NO. I made a sad face and he immediately smiled and gave me a kiss. Sneaky little boy. Sweet when he wants to be. He bit me the other day…not sure why, but maybe out of excitement. He got in big trouble and then proceed to give me kisses where he bit me. Sour then Sweet. He knows better, but cannot help pushing the buttons.
He loves to scare us and be scared. Here he is inches from Michael’s face Roaring! He is talking to his girlfriend or at least that is what he told me when I asked. Must have been a good conversation.
Mommy makes the best Chili and it makes the best body rub. There is a reason he is naked. All things red require being striped of our clothes. Obvious reasons.
What is our new favorite game? Banging our head on anything when we are upset or frustrated. He got this mark when banging his head on the dining room table. It is more upsetting to me. I have been trying to ignore these attention getting banging, but it is hard. This one was by far the hardest and it scared me.
Mason loves going to get his haircut. I think he loves Brandon, Michael’s hair guy. He is awesome and loves kids. Mason has never cried and always holds still for him. He cuts him every 8 weeks when Michael gets his hair done. This time, Mason laid at the sink and kept grabbing his hair saying wash. Brandon was happy to help out and washed Mason’s hair, which he loved. I should have gotten a video of it, maybe next time. I know Mason won’t forget and will expect it each time.
Notice Mason shoes. They are his girlfriends. Michael took him to change his clothes while at our friend’s house and Mason came out with ruby red shoes on. Apparently he really love them. Blackmail for his future wedding.
This boy loves balls and balloons all things round. His Daddy thought it would be funny to rub the balloon on his head and it would stick. Mason would hold really still and then start laughing when the charge was gone.
The calmest moment in the last week. Eating Cheerios or as Mason calls it Cerelllll-el-el. Sometimes he says it exactly how it should be said and other times it comes out extra long.
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