My best friend and sister had a baby this weekend. I am EXTREMELY sad she is in Honolulu and I am here. I am wanting soooo bad to jump a plane and be there. Oh the hardships of having a baby of my own. Too bad Mason and I can’t jump the 8 hour flight from Dallas to Honolulu. They will be back stateside in a few months and I will go see them then. CANNOT WAIT. I love my bestie and her kiddos. I am looking forward to our first skype, so I can find out the whole story from big sister. I have already heard the mama story, but to be a big sister again and now to a little sister. I just know Skye will have soooo much to tell her Auntie Jen Jen. And I am sure she will want to know when I am arriving.
In the meantime, let me introduce the newest baby member:
Evaliyna Moon (Moon is extra fitting since the Supermoon happened this weekend)
6lbs, 10oz and 19” long
Born at 12:08AM
Isn’t she the cutest thing ever. I just love how they look all brand new. They change so fast it isn’t even funny. I just want to give this one some extra loves!Daddy loving on his new little girl. Two girls…Boys beWARE this military Daddy will have your behind faster than anything.
Mommy and big Sister (twice over) looking sooooo happy. Where Big Brother is in this picture who knows. Probably pushing buttons and exploring.
She looks like her Daddy. Finally he gets a kiddo that looks like him. Check out that dark hair, which I am sure will become blonde like her sister and brother.
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