This week is going to be a long week. A few weeks ago, Mason had an allergic reaction at school. I got a call and they said within 5 minutes of giving him lunch he started breaking out in a rash. Now, I have allergies so I didn’t panic. Mason has had a few reactions to items like strawberries and we think to cinnamon. I grabbed the Benadryl and went to school. After giving him medicine and noticing the rash was pretty much all over his face, I decided to take him home and monitor him. I knew he would probably sleep most of the day away, but since it was all over his face I wanted to make sure it did not get worse.
Here is what it looked like at school. It is hard to tell because it is blurry, but it was all around his mouth and on his cheeks.This is what it looked like at home, after about an hour. Not looking much better.
We went to Walmart later that night and Mason started breaking out again. This time he had bumps on his lips. Poor baby. I went home and sanitized ALL of his pacifiers. I think whatever he was having a reaction to was on it.
I called his doctor. I mainly wanted a second opinion. I was scratching my head. Everything he had for lunch that day, he had had prior. I am not sure if someone at school has a cat and he is allergic to that or something. Needless to say the doctor referred us to an allergist. I am so nervous about taking him. We go this Wednesday. It will be a 2 hour appointment. I am hoping they will not do a scratch test and they will just take blood, but we will see what the doctor will suggest. It is going to scary for a toddler I am sure, plus spending 2 hours trying to talk to a doctor while entertaining a toddler should be fun.
I have lived with allergies and asthma my whole life. I have not let it slow me down. I am hoping that whatever Mason is allergic to won’t long term affect his life. I don’t want him to have to or for us to have to check the backs of every box. I don’t want to have to ask, what is this cooked in every time we go out to eat. Please keep us in your thoughts this week that it is a simple allergy and that this is not the start of more to come.
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