Over the weekend, we moved Mason into a big boy bed. We waited until after our guests left, because our plan was to get a new guest bedroom suite and give Mason the old one. The old one was Michael’s bedroom suite that he has had for years. Probably since high school. He had it in college and it has moved with us on numerous occasions. It is in great shape and had a matching nightstand and dresser. It is a queen bed, which I wasn’t planning to give my toddler, but when we started looking at new bedroom suites for him the queen ones were a little cheaper than the full size ones. Weird right? So, we made the decision to get a new queen guest bed and nightstand, eventually when we can find one we both like.
Saturday morning, after breakfast we started taking apart all the beds. The crib had to be taken apart to move it into the current guest room, which is now Baby 2s room. Mason was a big help. He loves tools and insisted in helping Daddy unscrew everything and carry it from one room to the other. We thought about just moving Mason into a new room, but I didn’t want to do too many changes that displace him because of the new baby. I just sat back and watched my boys work. It was fun. It makes me excited to start decorating the Baby 2s room. Will it end up PINK or BLUE?!? I went to get Mason new bedding for his big boy room. I had an idea in my head that I wanted something that could change with Mason. I didn’t want Mickey Mouse bedding or something too baby/kidish. I ended up finding a quilt that is reversible. One side has airplanes and the other side is blue plaid/checkered. I asked Mason which side he wanted and he, of course, picked airplanes. He loves airplanes. I shouldn’t have been surprised. His room has a little mixed theme going. Baseballs and airplanes. Oh yeah those go together. At least the colors match! I need to takedown some of the painted pictures and do some new ones, but it is a constant work in progress.
Mason’s birthday party is this coming weekend and he will be getting a train table from Mommy and Daddy. It will be going where the giant polar bear is sitting.
I was a little worried. And still am. About Mason falling out of the bed. I bought a rail but it just came Monday. He did so good sleeping in the bed this weekend that I am thinking he might not need it. I am going to hang onto it for a week and if he continues to do good, then I will return it. When I see him like this I think he could fall out. It is funny to watch him sleep. He flips around and around all night. I am thinking the queen bed is helping him to stay in the bed itself and not ending up on the floor. We have a new routine that doesn’t involve a rocking chair, but we lay in bed and read a story. I then turn off the light and say goodnight and he is good. Such a good little sleeper. Next we will be removing the pacifier from bedtime, which is the only time he is allowed the paci, and we will continue to work on the potty training. Wish us luck. Lots of changes in his future.
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