Gabby–Happy Hump Day!
Gabby had a little photo session yesterday. She is such a good little model. Our friends' little girl is going back to “school” and at this school they have a wall of pets. It is such a cute idea. All the kids get to bring in a picture of their pet and place it on the wall. Well, Stella doesn’t have a pet that lives at her house, but she does have Gabby. I am pretty sure Stella’s first words went something like Daddy, Mommy, Gabby. She loves Gabby and kisses her and hugs her all the time. They are best friends. Gabby is Stella’s best friend and I have decided Gabby will love her a lot more when she throws a ball further than a foot. Since technically Stella doesn’t have her own pet, Rachel asked me if they could put Gabby up there. I, of course, said yes. Stella loves Gabby so much and will be walking around school now saying Gabby Gabby Gabby. She even grabs my phone and talks to Gabby or the picture of Gabby on my phone.
I wanted Stella to have a good clear picture of Gabby for her wall. I have tons of Gabby pictures but a lot of them have me or Michael in them. Photo Session time. I had Gabby sit and get pictures. Gabby will stay in one position for a long time if I tell her to stay, so it was quick and easy. I got two good choices for Stella. Hopefully she enjoy Gabby’s company at school.

Late last night, Michael and I gave Gabby her Kong. We always put peanut butter and a bone in it for her. She gets all the peanut butter out fast and then works on getting the bone out. This could take hours, so it is great when we are wanting to relax. I took this video of Gabby last night trying to get her bone out. I think she is pretty smart, trying different ways to get the bone out.
The pictures of Gabby are SO GOOD!! You've got to blow those up and frame them! :)