Wednesday, August 17, 2011


My Mom would totally call me one of these.  I am the worst sick person ever.  I hate being sick and boy would I let her know.  If I don’t get enough sleep I feel sick.  Seriously!  I feel sick until I shower and eat.  In the morning, if I shower and dry my hair before I eat I could lose my dinner.  I get to hot and I blame it on my little frame.  Me and my healthy self…well we are not that healthy.  I have high cholesterol.  Yes, I do.  I have been trying to eat healthy, but eating healthy requires grocery shopping smart and I am bad at getting healthy food.  Healthy food just doesn’t taste as good as the unhealthy stuff.  Anyway.  Why am I a hypochondriac this week?

Sunday, I was being a good little wife and cooking lunch.  I pulled out my cutting board and my other cutting board fell out with it and dropped right on my foot.  It hurt! I finished cooking and didn’t think twice about it.  Then Michael and I went for a swim and my foot was a little swollen and discolored.  Oh well right.  I could walk just fine.  We went for a walk the next night and I thought halfway through I might kill over from the throbbing in my foot.  So, we cut it short and went home.  Then yesterday, my poor baby wanted to play sooooo bad.  I mean could you have said no to this face.


I couldn’t and took her outside to play frisbee.  Her favorite! We usually jump a lot during frisbee play, because it wears her out faster.  Well, Gabby accidentally jumped on my hurt foot.  I officially thought I was going to die.  I couldn’t breath and immediately went inside with my cute concerned dog following behind me.  I couldn’t put weight on my foot and it was swelling and it hurt so bad I was trying not to throw up.  Gross I know.  Poor Gabby wouldn’t come near me out of fear of my pain.  I thought, it has to be broken.  I called my mom and told her, and she thinks I am silly and doesn’t assist me in thinking it is broken.  I called Michael who told me to go to the doctor.  NO!  My thought is that it is the middle of my foot on top, they can’t do anything for me if it is broken.  So, I just lay in misery until I took Gabby to the neighbors to get some entertainment.  It is a very pretty color today with a few marks that look like they would fit Gabby’s claws.

It isn’t broken, and walking today around the house isn’t painful.  Thank goodness.  Just a bad bruise.  But more reasons why I don’t jump to go to the doctor every time I have an ache or pain…it usually is worse in my head.  Yes, therefore my mother can call me a hypochondriac and it is probably a good thing she never let me stay home from school unless I had a fever or was throwing up.   

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Michael and I have been together since 2006. We met in college at the University of Arkansas and began our life together. We bought a house and moved to Fayetteville from the Chicagoland area in November 2009. We were married in 2010 and had our first child, a boy, in 2013. Our favorite thing to do together is travel and we have gotten the opportunity to go to lots of fun places. We are working, breathing, playful parents. Our fur baby and child are the center of our crazy life, but we wouldn't have it any other way.