I hate snakes. I don’t like to find them in my yard and when I do find them in the yard, I expect for them to die. If you are an animal lover I am sorry, snakes are my one and only creature I hate with a passion. I don’t even mind most spiders (as long as they are little and not a black widow). This summer Michael and I have found several snakes and one black widow. It gives me the chills just thinking about this. I don’t know what kinds of snakes are bad or good, nor do I really take time when I see one in my yard. I usually turn running and screaming.
So, last night I was being a really good wife and helping Michael mow the lawn. I mow and he uses the weedeater and when he is done then he comes and takes over. Well, it took longer for him to weedeat last night, and I had started our backyard. I usually don’t even finish the front before he is done. A deal is a deal, so I continued with the backyard and I went right over/past the snake twice and didn’t even see him. I should add by the time I started the backyard it was dark. As Michael weedeated next to the fence he saw it move. It was black with an orange stripe and it was 3 feet long. Yucky yucky yucky!!! Of course, Michael wants to save the snake while I am screaming kill it kill it. He told me it wasn’t harmful, and I kept saying how do you know. I don’t want it to get Gabby…OR ME! Even with my objections, Michael took the snake and got it into a bucket and took him to the woods.
I will never mow EVER again. Unless it is daylight outside and our grass isn’t 6 inches in a few places. Going to go buy some Snake-Away today!
This is one of the first snakes Michael saved.
This is the snake we found last night…
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