Over the weekend, we got some unexpected snow. The forecast changed about a million times before Friday at about 12, when they said starting at 2 we will get snow. I thought this was funny, but they weren’t lying. I went to get the mail and we had NO snow. 10 minutes later I looked outside and the roads were covered. Random snow storm. It snowed all night and all day Saturday. We didn’t have that much accumulation but enough for some afternoon fun in the snow. Mason, Gabby, Michael and I played forever. I think Mason would have stayed outside all day if we had let him.
Biggest doggie smile ever! She loves the snow.
Snow Angels.
I took this right before, Mason decided to try and eat the snow.
Everyone enjoying the sledding. Gabby would just run circles around them. And jump over Mason.
He had so much fun “sledding.” He would say go faster and if/when he threw himself out of the sled he would laugh. Even, when he got a face full of snow.
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